2011 Ross McGovern

Railway Engineering Student Thesis Award Winner 2011



Place of Study: University of Newcastle

The thesis examines opportunities to improve and increase, from first principles, the functionality and accuracy of a proprietary train simulator by modeling newly introduced technology and other products not previously available due to a lack of processing power. The development of the new simulator has lead to a greater understanding of train behaviour and vehicle design and also provides the ability to model features of distributed power and electronically controlled pneumatic braking. Use of the simulator also may improve energy efficiency.

Ross McGovern accepting the Railway Engineering Student Thesis Award from Katharina Gerstmann in 2011


Mr. Adrian Lai
Thesis: The Design and Development of an Operator Enable Device for the Rail Network
Place of Study: University Of New South Wales.

Adrian Lai accepting the Railway Engineering Student Thesis Runner-Up Award from Simon Wood in 2011

Mr. Ishara Howpe Liyanage
Thesis: Structural Analysis and Validation of No.2 End Headstock for the Perth Suburban A Series Railcar
Place of Study: Curtin University of Technology

Ishara Howpe Liyanage accepting the Railway Engineering Student Thesis Runner-Up Award in 2011