Agreement with AREMA
In 2018, the RTSA (via Engineers Australia) signed a co-operation agreement with the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA).
AREMA is a non-profit association of railway professionals in North America established in 1997 whose mission is the development and advancement of both technical and practical knowledge and recommended practices pertaining to the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure.
The agreement recognises that:
- Railways of Australasia and North America share many design and operating practices that utilize a common global railway supply chain that provides goods and services to support efficient railway transportation, and
- RTSA (via EA and ENZ) and AREMA have common missions to advance knowledge and professional development of their memberships through hosting of conferences, seminars, webinars, providing publications, supporting student and academic programs, and organizing study tours
- RTSA (via EA and ENZ) and AREMA desire to further advance the international exchange of technical information and recommended practices among their memberships.
The “Technical Affiliate” program of international cooperation was established for the mutual benefit of both sets of members through access to each other’s educational opportunities and programs as follows:
- Reciprocally offering member discounts to registration fees of sponsored events (when such discounts are offered)
- Jointly publicizing Call for Papers of RTSA and AREMA to broaden participation in technical conferences
- Sponsoring study tours of railway engineering (STORE) and enable RTSA and AREMA members to enroll in such tours
- Acknowledge the existence of the Technical Affiliate relationship and its goals by incorporating links to the other party’s website home page.