
Australasian Rail Industry Young Rail Professional Award (RTSA) finalists announced!

Australasian Rail Industry Awards logo with supporting organisations logos, Virtual Awards 4th November 4-5:30pm AEDT

The ARA Australasian Rail Industry Awards 2021 finalists have been announced. The RTSA annually sponsors the Young Rail Professional Award, and this year we have four down selected finalists from a whole host of very high quality nominations! The Young Rail Professional Award winner, along with all of the other award category winners, will be announced  at the online awards event at 4:00-5:30pm AEDT on the 4th November 2021, you can register to attend the Australasian Rail Industry Awards for free.

Young Rail Professional Award (RTSA) 2021 Finalists


Mary Nguyen
Master Program Manager, Sydney Trains

Mary has proven herself over the past 9.5 years as one of the Sydney Trains highest achieving young employees. Her unsurpassed engineering and planning knowledge has led to the development of multiple innovative solutions for one of the organisation’s most complex areas – track possession management, which involves long-term planning, coordination of hundreds of worksites, safety management and train movements in consultation with multiple stakeholders across NSW Transport. She is an inspiring leader, mentor and advocate, focused on collaborative solutions and is an active advocate for diversity and gender equality in a male-dominated industry.



Headshot of Ben Milroy (LinkedIn profile picture)







Ben Milroy
Senior Project Manager – Rolling Stock Additional Works Project, Downer

Ben has 8 years experience in the rail industry in Australia and is managing the largest tram overhaul project in the world (MR4 Rolling Stock Additional Works Project (RSAW)), which will hugely benefit passengers in Melbourne through providing a comfortable and reliable tram service. Ben’s tenacity, dedication, passion and leadership skills are ensuring that this project is seeing benefits for the client, passengers, Downer and the Australasian Rail Industry. With only eight years in the industry, but having already achieved such results, Ben is someone who will continue promoting the work of the rail industry and inspiring other young rail leaders.



Headshot of Christopher Bowen (LinkedIn profile picture)







Christopher Bowen
GM Engineering Business Development and Bids, Downer RTS

Christopher’s passion and commitment to the industry was, and continues to be, recognized by senior leaders and provides him with opportunities to work on and manage key projects, in particular those within Downer. He is the youngest member in the division at the GM level, passionate about the innovations in the rail industry and is leading teams of people to deliver innovation that is world class. Fleet Enhancement (FE) is the project of note that Christopher has led, for which he is being nominated for the Young Rail Professional Award. This project is the identification, development and implementation of several innovative performance improvements for the existing Waratah, Sydney Growth Trains (SGT) and Millennium fleets on the Sydney Trains Network. Christopher played a key role as a senior technical manager leading a team of subject matter experts during the proposal development stage, before continuing to play a key role in managing the delivery of several scopes of work under the FE banner.



Headshot of Philip Bradt (LinkedIn profile picture)







Phillip Bradt
Expert for Railway Operations, DB E&C Australia

Phillip has ascended from graduation as a railway engineer to his current position as Senior Modeller in a short six year period. Phillip works energetically to gain insight into Australia’s railway system and how it works. As an operations expert and former train controller, he is a hands-on guy who always tries to find the best service solution for customers based on a highly efficient operation model. In addition, he introduced the current modelling style guide for our local operation in Australia. To complete his dedication to the railway industry, Phillip teaches as a lecturer for railway operations at the railway engineering courses at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Poelten, Austria.