RTSA NZ Chapter – 2020 End of Year Event and TrackSAFE Awards

Daniel Headifen presenting a round up of the year for the RTSA NZ Chapter
Thursday 3rd December was the RTSA NZ Chapter end of year function and AGM, it was held simultaneously in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. Daniel Headifen, the RTSA NZ Chapter Chair, presented a wrap up of the years events – 15 in total with online attendance over 100 at the majority!
The 2020 TrackSAFE NZ Safety Leadership award was also presented at the event(s) by Megan Drayton. This year’s winner is Andy Lyon, Digital Engineering Director, for his innovations in safety on the Trentham to Upper Hutt Double Tracking project in Wellington. Congratulations Andy!
Andy Lyon is has been leading KiwiRail’s BIM journey for the past two years and has recently taken up the role as Programme Director for Digital Engineering. He presented KiwiRail’s Trentham to Upper Hutt project at the RTSA webinar last month (23rd November), sharing the experiences and innovations that the project has delivered including eye tracking in VR, real time as-built capture, and machine avoidance (see video on LinkedIn).
We will be adding a video of the awards event in the coming days – watch this space!
We are looking forward to welcoming you to more virtual and in person events next year!