RTSA Member Survey – open until 26th November 2021
We are excited to share with RTSA members our 2021 RTSA Member Survey, you should have received the link via email this morning – if you are a current member and you haven’t received the survey invite link, please email us at [email protected]. Please take the time to complete this survey to help shape the future strategy of the RTSA to help us to provide the best value membership to you.
This survey is aimed at our current members, so please do not share the survey link with non-members. The survey will close on Friday 26 November.
The survey may take around 11 minutes (depending on how detailed you want to make your answers). Questions are grouped into sections covering:
- Demographics – to allow us to understand the diversity of our membership base, and consider this when event planning, e.g. networking events and career planning for students, or more recorded events to suit different working patterns and time zones
- Membership – so that we can understand how you benefit from your membership and your feedback and ideas for membership improvements
- Communications – to measure current membership quality and enhance our communications and reach to members and potential future members
- Events – so that we can learn about event type and topic preferences and event frequency
- CORE – your feedback for future CORE related events in the run up to CORE 2023